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List of Herbs
Rock Garden
Southernwood (artemisia Abrotanum Linn)
Rue (ruta Graveolens Linn)
The Flowers Appear In 10 To 12 Weeks And The Seed Ripens Soon After
For Drying Or For Decocting The Leaves Are Cut When The Flowers Appear
They are dried in the shade. If a second cutting is to be made, and if it is desired that the plants shall live over winter, this second cutting must not be made later than September in the North, because the new stems will not have time to mature bef...
For Their Benefit Therefore The Following Paragraphs Are Given
TTITLE PRODUCTION OF NEW VARIETIES Besides the gratification that always accompanies the growing of plants, there is in plant breeding the promise that the progeny will in some way be better than the parent, and there is the certainty that when ...
For Window Culture All That Is Needed Is A Box Filled With Rich Soil
The roots may be dug in the fall and planted in the box. A sunny window is best, but any window will do. If space is at a premium, a nail keg may be made to yield a large amount of leaves. Not only may the tops be filled with plants, but the sides als...
Good Hope For Its Perfume
Description.--From the small, fibrous roots the square stems stand erect about 1 foot tall. They are very branching and leafy. The leaves are green, except as noted below, ovate, pointed, opposite, somewhat toothed, rather succulent and highly fragr...
Hay And The Seeds Are Both Used For Distilling
TTITLE Balm (Melissa officinalis, Linn.), a perennial herb of the natural order Labiatae. The popular name is a contraction of balsam, the plant having formerly been considered a specific for a host of ailments. The generic name, Melissa, is the...
It Generally Can Hold Its Own Against The Plant Populace Of Such Places
TTITLE Caraway (Carum carui, Linn.), a biennial or an annual herb of the natural order Umbelliferae. Its names, both popular and botanical, are supposed to be derived from Caria, in Asia Minor, where the plant is believed first to have attracted ...
Naples Consists Of The Stems Cut When The Plant Is About To Bloom
These stems are considered a great delicacy served raw with the leaf stalks still around them. Oil, vinegar and pepper are eaten with them. By sowing at intervals of a week or 10 days Italian gardeners manage to have a supply almost all the year. ...
No Other Should Be Allowed To Flower
This process is to be continued from year to year. If the selection is carefully made, the grower will soon rejoice, because he will observe a larger and a larger number of plants approaching the type of plant he has been selecting for. In time prac...
October Or November In Double Rows Close Together Say 3 Or 4 Inches
Sown at that time, the plants may be expected to appear earlier than if spring sown and to form a ribbon of verdure which will remain green not only all the growing season, but well into winter if desired. It is best, however, to dig them up in the fa...
Pliny Albertus Magnus And The English Herbalists Of The Middle Ages
Annual marjoram is thought to be the species considered sacred in India to Vishnu and Siva. Description.--Perennial marjoram rises even 2 feet high, in branchy clumps, bears numerous short-stemmed, ovate leaves about 1 inch long, and terminal clust...
Rue (ruta Graveolens Linn)
Southernwood (artemisia Abrotanum Linn)
The Flowers Appear In 10 To 12 Weeks And The Seed Ripens Soon After
When it is desired to cure the leaves for winter use, the stems should be cut just as the flowers begin to appear, and dried in the usual manner. (See page 25.) If seed is wanted, they should be cut soon after the flowers fall or even before all hav...
The Seeds Are Used In Cookery Confectionery And For Flavoring Liquors
Oil of fennel, a pale yellow liquid, with a sweetish aromatic odor and flavor, is distilled with water. It is used in perfumery and for scenting soaps. A pound of oil is the usual yield of 500 pounds of the plant. TTITLE Finocchio or =Florence f...
To Accomplish This No Hand Tool Surpasses The Spading Fork
One other method is, however, superior especially when practiced upon the heavier soils--fall plowing or digging. In practicing this method care should be taken to plow late when the soil, moistened by autumn rains, will naturally come up in big lum...
Uses Basil Is One Of The Most Popular Herbs In The French Cuisine
It is especially relished in mock turtle soup, which, when correctly made, derives its peculiar taste chiefly from the clovelike flavor of basil. In other highly seasoned dishes, such as stews and dressings, basil is also highly prized. It is less use...
Uses The French Use Dill For Flavoring Preserves Cakes And Pastry
For these purposes it is of too strong and pronounced a character to be relished by American palates. The seeds perhaps more often appear in soups, sauces and stews, but even here they are relished more by our European residents than by native America...