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List of Herbs
Rock Garden
And There Is Pansies That's For Thoughts
Glimmer The Rich Dusk Through
And With Him Rises Weeping
Hamlet Act Iv Scene 5
Cultivation.--Rosemary is easily propagated by means of cuttings, root division and layers in early spring, but is most frequently multiplied by seed. It does best in rather poor, light soil, especially if limy. The seed is either sown in drills 18 ...
M Vulgare Linn)
And With Darkness And End With Despair
Description.--The much branched stems, woody below, rise 18 to 24 inches and bear small oblong or obovate, stalked, bluish-green glaucous leaves, two or three times divided, the terminal one broader and notched at the end. The rather large, greenish...
Glimmer The Rich Dusk Through
--George MacDonald "Songs of the Summer Night," Part III The seeds are rather large, oblong, slightly curved, and a ridged and streaked grayish-brown. They retain their vitality for about eight years. Cultivation.--No pla...
And There Is Pansies That's For Thoughts
And With Him Rises Weeping
The rare aroma of sweet marjoram reminds so many city people of their mother's and their grandmother's country gardens, that countless muslin bags of the dried leaves sent to town ostensibly for stuffing poultry never reach the kitchen at all, but a...
Angelica (archangelica Officinalis Hoofm)
Anise (pimpinella Anisum Linn)
Balm (melissa Officinalis Linn)
Basil (ocimum Basilicum Linn And O Minimum Linn)
Blooms Anew Among The Sages
TTITLE CULINARY HERBS DEFINED It may be said that sweet or culinary herbs are those annual, biennial or perennial plants whose green parts, tender roots or ripe seeds have an aromatic flavor and fragrance, due either to a volatile oil or t...
Can Wash The Balm From An Anointed King
As a useful plant it received attention from the pen of Pliny. From its home it has been introduced by man as a garden plant into nearly all temperate climates throughout the world, and is often found as an escape from gardens where introduced--occa...
Caraway (carum Carui Linn)
Catnip (nepeta Cataria Linn)
Chervil (scandix Cerefolium Linn)