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Rock Garden
All Rock Garden
Planting The Garden
There are two ways of planting a rock garden. One is to do all the crevice planting along with the building, and the other, of course, is to defer everything until the rocks are in place and the soil thoroughly settled. The former plan is a sin...
Plants For A Rock Garden
So many plants are suitable for a rock garden that the range of choice is bewildering. In this, as in the laying out of the garden, advisability takes precedence over pure personal desire, though, very fortunately, it is often not difficult to mak...
The Choice Of A Site
The best site for a rock garden is where it ought to be. That is a sad truth, for it eliminates some homes from the game; but useless waste of time will be saved if this is recognized at the outset. First cast your eye about and see if you have a ...
The Rock Garden
In Europe, particularly in England, the rock garden is an established institution with a distinct following. The English works on the subject alone form a considerable bibliography. On this side of the Atlantic, the rock garden is so little unde...
The Wall Garden
A wall garden is a perpendicular rock garden. But whereas a rock garden is of all things irregular, a wall garden has regularity. The wall need not be a straight line; it is better that one end should describe a curve, and rocks at the base may gi...
The Work Of Construction
Spring is the best time to make a rock garden. When the important matter of the proper site has been put in the past, a definite scheme must be planned. Upon the definiteness of this scheme, much of the success of the rock garden will depend. Here...
Water And Bog Gardens
Neither the water nor the bog garden is dependent on rocks. Either or both, however, may just as well be an adjunct of the rock garden. They solve the wet spot problem admirably, permit the culture of native water lilies, orchids, and numerous oth...
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The Choice Of A Site
Plants For A Rock Garden
The Rock Garden
Water And Bog Gardens
Planting The Garden
The Wall Garden
The Work Of Construction
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The Work Of Construction
The Wall Garden
Planting The Garden
Water And Bog Gardens
The Rock Garden
Plants For A Rock Garden
The Choice Of A Site