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List of Herbs
Rock Garden
Borage (borago Officinalis Linn)
Begins To Appear Moist
Brahmins Who Used It Especially In Honor Of Vishnu And In Funeral Rites
Although the Yew--a Conifer--which is so thoroughly English a tree, is known to be highly poisonous as regards its leaves to the humans subject, and as concerning its loppings or half-dead branches, to oxen, horses, and asses, yet a medicinal tinctu...
(archangelica Officinalis Hoffm)
a biennial or perennial herb of the natural order Umbelliferae, so called from its supposed medicinal qualities. It is believed to be a native of Syria, from whence it has spread to many cool European climates, especially Lapland and the Alps, where...
(lavendula Vera D C; L Angustifolia Moench; L
spica, Linn.), a half-hardy perennial undershrub, native of dry, calcareous uplands in southern Europe. Its name is derived from the Latin word Lavo, to wash, a distillation of the flowers being anciently used in perfuming water for washing the body. ...
(ocymum Basilicum Linn) An Annual Herb Of The Order Labiatae
The popular name, derived from the specific, signifies royal or kingly, probably because of the plant's use in feasts. In France it is known as herb royale, royal herb. The generic name is derived from Oza, a Greek word signifying odor. The plant i...
Description.--The roots are small and fibrous; the stems, about 18 inches tall, very numerous, erect or spreading, square; the leaves, green (except as mentioned), broadly ovate with toothed margins, opposite, rather succulent, highly scented; the f...
42500 Of Them And A Quart 18 Ounces
Cultivation.--For earliest use the seed may be sown in a spent hotbed or a cold frame in late March, and the plants set in the open during May. Usually, however, it is sown in the garden or the field where the plants are to remain. In the hotbed the...
A Convenient Size Is 10 X 10 Feet
After the stalks have been removed the seed should be allowed to remain for several days longer in a very thin layer--the thinner the better--and turned every day to remove the last vestige of moisture. It will be even better still to have the dryin...
America It Is Probably Even More Common As An Escape Than Spearmint
Like its relative, it has long been known and grown in gardens and fields, especially in Europe, Asia and the United States. Description.--Like spearmint, the plant has creeping rootstocks, which rapidly extend it, and often make it a troublesome we...
American And English Palates And Noses
TTITLE Peppermint (Mentha piperita, Linn.) is much the same in habit of growth as spearmint. It is a native of northern Europe, where it may be found in moist situations along stream banks and in waste lands. In ...
As Parsley Is Grown For Its Leaves It Can Scarcely Be Over Fertilized
Like cabbage, but, of course, upon a smaller scale, it is a gross feeder. It demands that plenty of nitrogenous food be in the soil. That is, the soil should be well supplied with humus, preferably derived from decaying leguminous crops or from stable...
Begins To Appear Moist
When an inch tall the seedlings should be pricked out 2 inches apart in other, deeper flats and when about 4 inches tall set in the garden about 1 foot asunder in rows about 18 inches apart. When once established they may be increased readily by the...
Borage (borago Officinalis Linn)
Brahmins Who Used It Especially In Honor Of Vishnu And In Funeral Rites
An African species, O. fruticosum, is highly valued at the Cape of ...
But Let Us Peep Into The 19th Edition Of The United States Dispensatory
Can this be the same fennel which "is one of our most grateful aromatics," and which, because of "the absence of any highly excitant property," is recommended for mixing with unpleasant medicines? Ask any druggist, and he will say it is used for littl...
Columella And Varro
The plant's introduction into England was about 1548, or perhaps a little earlier, but probably not prior to 1538, because Turner does not mention it in his "Libellus," published in that year. It seems to have grown rapidly in popularity, for in 158...
In these days of jaded appetites, condiments and canned goods, how fondly we turn from the dreary monotony of the "dainty" menu to the memory of the satisfying dishes of our mothers! What made us, like Oliver Twist, ask for more? Were tho...
Fennel-flower (nigella Sativa Linn)
Before dismissing this section of the subject, it may be interesting to glance over the list of names once more. Seven of these plants were formerly so prominent in medicine that they were designated "official" and nearly all the others were extensi...
For Drying Or For Decocting The Leaves Are Cut When The Flowers Appear
They are dried in the shade. If a second cutting is to be made, and if it is desired that the plants shall live over winter, this second cutting must not be made later than September in the North, because the new stems will not have time to mature bef...
For Their Benefit Therefore The Following Paragraphs Are Given
TTITLE PRODUCTION OF NEW VARIETIES Besides the gratification that always accompanies the growing of plants, there is in plant breeding the promise that the progeny will in some way be better than the parent, and there is the certainty that when ...
For Window Culture All That Is Needed Is A Box Filled With Rich Soil
The roots may be dug in the fall and planted in the box. A sunny window is best, but any window will do. If space is at a premium, a nail keg may be made to yield a large amount of leaves. Not only may the tops be filled with plants, but the sides als...
Good Hope For Its Perfume
Description.--From the small, fibrous roots the square stems stand erect about 1 foot tall. They are very branching and leafy. The leaves are green, except as noted below, ovate, pointed, opposite, somewhat toothed, rather succulent and highly fragr...
Hay And The Seeds Are Both Used For Distilling
TTITLE Balm (Melissa officinalis, Linn.), a perennial herb of the natural order Labiatae. The popular name is a contraction of balsam, the plant having formerly been considered a specific for a host of ailments. The generic name, Melissa, is the...