For Window Culture All That Is Needed Is A Box Filled With Rich Soil

The roots may be dug in the fall and planted in the box. A sunny window

is best, but any window will do. If space is at a premium, a nail keg

may be made to yield a large amount of leaves. Not only may the tops be

filled with plants, but the sides also. Holes should be bored in the

staves about 4 inches apart. (See illustration, page 2.) A layer of

earth is placed in the bottom as deep as the lowest tier of holes. Then

roots are pushed through these holes and a second layer of earth put in.

The process is repeated till the keg is full. Then plants are set on the

top. As the keg is being filled the earth should be packed very firmly,

both around the plants and in the keg. When full the soil should be

thoroughly soaked and allowed to drain before being taken to the window.

To insure a supply of water for all the plants, a short piece of pipe

should be placed in the center of the keg so as to reach about half way

toward the bottom. This will enable water to reach the plants placed in

the lower tiers of holes. If the leaves look yellow at any time, they

may need water or a little manure water.

