America It Is Probably Even More Common As An Escape Than Spearmint
Like its relative, it has long been known and grown in gardens and
fields, especially in Europe, Asia and the United States.
Description.--Like spearmint, the plant has creeping rootstocks, which
rapidly extend it, and often make it a troublesome weed in moist ground.
The stems are smaller than those of spearmint, not so tall, and are more
purplish. They bear ovate, smooth leaves upon longer stalks than those
of spearmint. The whorled clusters of little, reddish-violet flowers
form loose, interrupted spikes. No seed is borne.
Cultivation.--Although peppermint prefers wet, even swampy, soil, it
will do well on moist loam. It is cultivated like spearmint. In
Michigan, western New York and other parts of the country it is grown
commercially upon muck lands for the oil distilled from its leaves and
stems. Among essential oils, peppermint ranks first in importance. It is
a colorless, yellowish or greenish liquid, with a peculiar, highly
penetrating odor and a burning, camphorescent taste. An interesting use
is made of it by sanitary engineers, who test the tightness of pipe
joints by its aid. It has the faculty of making its escape and betraying
the presence of leaks. It is largely employed in the manufacture of
soaps and perfumery, but probably its best known use is for flavoring
TTITLE Rosemary
(Rosemarinus officinalis, Linn.)--As its generic name
implies, rosemary is a native of sea-coasts, "rose" coming from Ros,
dew, and "Mary" from marinus, ocean. It is one of the many Labiatae
found wild in limy situations along the Mediterranean coast. In ancient
times many and varied virtues were ascribed to the plant, hence its
"officinalis" or medical name, perhaps also the belief that "where
rosemary flourishes, the lady rules!" Pliny, Dioscorides and Galin all
write about it. It was cultivated by the Spaniards in the 13th century,
and from the 15th to the 18th century was popular as a condiment with
salt meats, but has since declined in popularity, until now it is used
for seasoning almost exclusively in Italian, French, Spanish and German
Description.--The plant is a half-hardy evergreen, 2 feet or more
tall. The erect, branching, woody stems bear a profusion of little
obtuse, linear leaves, green above and hoary white beneath. On their
upper parts they bear pale blue, axillary flowers in leafy clusters. The
light-brown seeds, white where they were attached to the plant, will
germinate even when four years old. All parts of the plant are
fragrant--"the humble rosemary whose sweets so thanklessly are shed to
scent the desert" (Thomas Moore). One of the pleasing superstitions
connected with this plant is that it strengthens the memory. Thus it has
become the emblem of remembrance and fidelity. Hence the origin of the
old custom of wearing it at weddings in many parts of Europe.
"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember: